Code of Conduct

  • Players will respect each other and work together to further the aims of the party.

  • Player will create a group environment that is welcoming to all.

  • Players will use language that is appropriate to school.

  • Characters will respect the laws of war as defined by the Geneva Conventions. Characters who violate the laws of war will be shifted to non-player character status and that player will be subject to a 1-3 session suspension-to be arbitrated by two DM's and one faculty sponsor.

    -intentionally killing civilians (including so called humanoid races such as goblins, hobgoblins, etc.) or prisoners, torture, intentionally destroying civilian property, taking hostages, rape, using child soldiers, pillaging, declaring that no quarter will be given, and using weapons that cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering (i.e. using poison gas, or incendiary magic in areas occupied by non-combatants).

  • Characters who break good will with their party may be shifted to non-player status when:

    -their actions cause ongoing inter-party conflict,

    -they intentionally harm their party members,

    -if a character intentionally kills another character then they will be shifted to non-player status and that player will be subject to a 1-3 session suspension-to be arbitrated by two DM's and one faculty sponsor.

    Approved by Sponsors, Danielle Jannusch and Grant Brown